Launch of the EO 523 Program

2/26/20072 min read

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo today advanced several notches forward the efforts towards the development and use of non-adversarial ADR processes by launching Executive Order 523 - to institutionalize ADR in all Executive agencies.

In taking this concrete step to help stem the millions of cases clogging the courts and quasi judicial agencies, the President took note not only of the disturbing length of time it takes to resolve cases, but the mind set that adversarial processes breed. "When parties take strong antagonistic positions, denigrate the other for being wrong, and even endeavor to dominate or stall each other using technical maneuvers, we only produce losers, especially when resources are trapped for years, relationships are permanently severed, and national growth is stunted," she saidIn taking this concrete step to help stem the millions of cases clogging the courts and quasi judicial agencies, the President took note not only of the disturbing length of time it takes to resolve cases, but the mind set that adversarial processes breed. "When parties take strong antagonistic positions, denigrate the other for being wrong, and even endeavor to dominate or stall each other using technical maneuvers, we only produce losers, especially when resources are trapped for years, relationships are permanently severed, and national growth is stunted," she said

According to Usec. Manuel Gaite, ADR Champion of the Office of the President, "Executive Order 523 was signed by PGMA last April 7, 2006, mandating all agencies under the Office of the President to develop, implement and institutionalize an ADR Program, and report the progress of such efforts annually to the President. The EO also states that all agencies are required to name at least 2 ADR specialists who shall undergo comprehensive training to properly equip them with skills necessary to fully implement the ADR Program, according to international standards."

To jumpstart the program, the President announced that 360 academic scholarships will be granted nominated Executive Department officials who will be trained to lead in the promotion and institutionalization of ADR across the various agencies.

Over 300 top government officials under the executive department witnessed the launch of EO 523 by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in the event held at the Rizal Hall in the Palace. Among the attendees were the Cabinet Secretaries led by Executive Secretary Edgardo Ermita, and members of the diplomatic community including US Ambassador Kristie Kenney, Canada Ambassador Peter Satuerland, Finland Ambassador Ritta Resch, France Ambassador Gerard Chesnel, New Zealand Ambassador David Pine, and Spain Ambassador Ignacio Sagaz. They were joined by heads of business organizations such as the Philippine Camber of Commerce's Ambassador Donald Dee and Personnel Managers Association of the Philippines's Atty. Enrico De Guzman.

The scholarships were made possible with the assistance of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The Asia Foundation (TAF) and The Conflict Resolution Group Foundation (The CoRe Group).

The event was organized by The CoRe Group, the Training and Implementation partner for the ADR in the Executive Department Program, and most active proponent of alternative dispute resolution in the country.